So remember how I mentioned GGE getting my sisters and I a Pleasant Company Felicity doll? And remember how I went to the AG store for Nicki and Isabel's release and didn't get a doll? Well, Kittyfan did. Anyone want to guess who it was?
Okay! Times Up!
The doll that Kittyfan got is...... Isabel! Below are pictures of Isabel and her accessories, then I'll show you a picture of Felicity.
So that's my sister's doll and accessories, and now I'll show you the doll that belongs to all of us. Felicity. GGE found her at a thrift store, in her summer gala outfit and riding boots. She's not in the best shape, but she is still pretty cool.
So here is the doll, and here are the boots. I honestly think that the summer gala dress is one of the most beautiful AG outfits. Thanks for reading, Bye!😀
So cute!