If you could create any new ag line (world by us, GOTY, historical characters etc.) what would it be? My line would be based around the world books. AG needs to make the books great. There would be a few dolls realsing with series of 6 to 10 books with 100 pages. They would have collections based around the books. 1 item for 1 book. They would be kinda like HC but still WE NEED BOOKS!!!!! The dolls would also be dolls of color and have movies, I think it would help make ag more diverse.
Lets also #savethehistoricals
If I was going to create a NEW line, it would be an international heritage line. The dolls would specifically have strong ties to their family culture And they would have “international “ costume, and do something either musical or artistic or something so the accessories would be cultural. So the Indian would have a sitar, the Ukrainian would have cool Easter eggs, etc. Kind of like Kirsten on steroids. And like you all said, a complete set of books.
I would love more books, too! And longer ones. Sometimes AG books bore me because they're so short!