my grand decision for what doll I will get is....MIA ST. CLAIR! yell At me in the comments if I’m not spelling it properly.
Anyways, back to Mia!

i will be getting, customizing, and renaming this doll. Because if you customize a doll, it’s not that same doll anymore. I will be giving her a face up, because she does look like she’s from 2008, her face paint is pretty faded.
I might keep her wig no for a while, until I can change that.
Name: Kayrah Elizabeth James. pronunciation: Kay Rah. Not kayla, or Kara, KAYRAH
Age: Undecided
Intrests: Ice skating, American girl dolls, writing random stories, MARVEL
Disintrests: Soccer, Surfing (everyone in the family does it but her), School
Personality: Kayrah James loves figure skating, and is the only one in her family who does it. Her other interests include, American girl dolls,Marvel and writing. She does not like soccer, surfing, or school. she also has glasses. The rest of her adopted sisters have their last name be Kendrick, but Kayrah doesn’t. She keeps hers at James, because that was her mother’s last name Before she and her father passed away in a plane crash when Kayrah was 5. She was put in foster care for about a year, and then she got adopted by the Kendricks. Aloha! Sarah
Here is a closeup of her face. As you can see, her face paint is kinda faded, but with a good brushing, her hair actually.. wouldn’t look that bad