With the new CYO options, I figured out I would make a new doll! In a previous post I have made there was a dream CYO doll! Now I have a new one with all of the choices!
I can't decide between the two hair colors. I think I prefer the one bellow because I am okay with colored hair dolls but I feel like I have enough of them. I really with the next CYO options is a new hair color with a natural mix of different colors. I would also love the Marie-Grace mold and Corinne mold to be an option! But the #kayamoldisforkaya!
Which one do you like?
BTW: You can probably tell I don't love the new release because I only use it maybe once. The thing I most like is the meet outfit, but I like this one more.
Edit: We also need the Joss mold to be an option!
We definitely need more molds added to the CYO! I also like the second one better as well! The reason why I don't really want a CYO anymore is because of the lack of options... They took away hairstyles with bangs, the best outfits, and even the thing where you could pick the personality of your doll! (Her pet, favorite place to go, her hobbies, and her name.)
I also prefer the second one, and we need the joss mold added to create your own!