Hi guys! We’ve been talking a lot about AG books here lately, so I thought I’d share some of my collection! This is the shelf where I keep the historical and Girl of the Year books. Last time I counted, there were 160-some-odd-number books. (I‘m really into the AG books if you haven’t found this out already.)
This is the shelf-cubby-area I keep older books. (and my favorite shelf!) The Pleasant Company books are first, in the very back there. Then I have the Mattel Pre—Beforever books. They’re all organized by series and release date of the doll. Some of the books were discards from my local library and have special covers. That’s why Pleasant Company Meet Addy is blue and several of Kit’s are white. Next I have my Mattel Pre-Beforever mystery books and short stories. I really like the AG book illustrations, so I’m collecting the different versions for the girls who have had different illustrators.
My Girl of the Year shelf is next. I have all the books loosely organized by release date of doll, but also in little sections for each production period. What I mean by that is, 2001-2005 GOTY books were short, 2006-2014 were tall and skinny, and 2015-2022 were thick and somewhere between in height. (I’m not really sure what’s going on with Kavi and I don’t have her journal.) Tenney‘s and Z’s books are in here because I don’t have enough contemporary character books to make a whole new section. I just consider them GOTYs. I have some other random stuff in the shelf as well.
This next shelf has the Beforever and Post-Beforever historical books, organized by each doll’s year. At the end there, I have some other random books. My history Mysteries are SUPPOSED to be in order, but for some reason I have 10 and 12 switched. I also have Kirsten’s storybook collection and what I’m just going to call the adventure books.
That’s pretty much it! What AG books do you guys have in your collections?
so tomorrow my dad is ordering me a bookshelf to place all my AG doll books he is ordering this one