remember this? Well I have more dolls now Savannah-SHE LIKES TO LOCK HERSELF IN THE BATHROOM (why?)
Ruth-she hates when peeps talk to much but is quite chatty herself
Sofia-she dyes her hair! It’s not naturally blonde! Or is it...nobody knows...
Scarlett- HATES FRENCH TOAST (see @CapeCardamDolls comment on one of my “My Custom Girl” posts)
Alex-speaks in a fake southern accent
Daniela-teases peeps about their crushes and/or ‘ships
Jada-Has drawn a nose ring on herself.
Callen-Has a crush on Scarlett so he moved out, because WE DO NOT DATE OUR ADOPTED SIBS NOW DO WE
Ben-is also not a natural blonde, but he’s for sure
Macy-Broke a bone due to “SisterSquishItis”
Joss-Will whack anything in her path, especially if it is alive
Lanie-is vegan but eats hamburgers
Lia-when asked two plus two she answers “A Math Expression”
Luciana-Considers herself psycho,
they’ve fit 8 peeps in Joss’s surf bus
have made pizza smoothies in a blender
will all synchronizedly tune out
Briana (Truly Me Number Briana Hawthorne (me)) I tend to step on my left hand when I’m anxious
Lane (truly me number Lane Maria) (LANE) She eats her own homework and blames it on my dolls (wait what)
Lane‘s doll April (48) She considers her bangs a sign of wisdom
Lane’s other doll Taryn (maplelea Taryn) She will get you if you’ve never seen Harry Potter
what are the weirdest things about you and your dolls NOW?
<3 Bri
Hm. Fitting 8 people in Joss’s bus sounds familiar. LUCI! You are NOT breaking the record of how many people you can fit in the bathroom. You already broke it at 9!