ok. I know I want 64 and Evette for christmas/ b day, but sometime in 2022 I’m going to North Carolina to visit my grandpa and my mom is going to bring me to the Charlotte AG store. I’m going to use my own money to buy a doll or two, but I have no idea which ones. I really want Maritza as one of them, if the leaks are the final doll. But, I also want Josefina, Kaya, Nanea, Maryellen, 67, 60 and possibly GOTY 2022 if I like her.
I need help
If you choose Kaya, spray her hair and actually use a brush rather than your fingers. I rarely follow that advice, this Christmas will be my seventh year I've owned Kaya, and her hair is so dry I'm considering sending her to the AG Hospital.