well im starting a movement to boycott ag. here are some simple steps to join in
post 1 star reviews on the new line saying stuff like "not my ag", "there 7" and just stuff like that
put some # about the boycott
stop buying stuff from ag
dm or email them about your dissapontment
I think we should all stop arguing... We all have our own opinion, and you can boycott AG if you want to, or not if you don’t want to. I really don’t want this argument to get worse.
I remember once, when I was having some friendship problems, I tried to send a letter to AG asking for advice. It didn't ever get sent, but I know for a fact that nowadays I wouldn't send them a letter because they aren't what they once were. I still turn to AG when I have a bad day, but not AG as a whole, just my dolls.
I agree with you, AG Dolls Collector! It is really just a company guys and some people here on this forum really have nothing to do for fun so they Complain and want to Boycott AG!
I’m so sorry about how the reply I made is causing some controversy, I really didn’t want that to happen. I completely understand why you want to boycott, and I have no problem with you doing it. I think all of us want to help/support AG, but in different ways.
I understand why you want to stop buying products directly from AG, and I have nothing against you doing it, but I’m not going to stop buying from AG. A lot of 9 and 10 year old (and older or younger) kids love dolls with rainbow hair, and wear bright, colorful clothes. I would have loved those outfits when I was 8-11. Maybe AG will soon release a line of simple clothes for dolls, or GOTY 2022 could be the best one they make, but we’ll have to wait and see. AG is probably focusing on there younger audience because that’s who there company was made for. (That doesn’t mean people older than that age group can’t enjoy there products though! I am, and I love AG!)
Edit: It seems like this comment has caused some arguing, and I’m so sorry. I’m ok if you boycott AG for the reasons in this post, I think we all want to support AG in different ways.
This is becoming so ridiculous that we are legit boycotting. Im in.