I love you all. But that’s not the titular cause. I love AGDN. But that’s not the titular cause. I love all 18 (or was it 17) of my dolls. And that’s still not the titular cause! It is…
I am officially leaving AGDN. I will try to stay true to my word this time.
To my 26 amazing dollowers…(yep, did that on purpose)
i shall miss my #BriIPs Bri-I-Ps
Ivy ( @CapeCardamDolls ) Isabella ( @•Just•Isabella•And•Her•Dolls• ) Tenney ( @MyAGLife)
Thanks so much for being my legit best friends on AGDN, from Evermore to They Who Shall Scream to all-nighters on Fridays. :) You guys rock harder than AC/DC.
@julie lover @Grace Tomas @Rainbow @Saige💖 @MyHappyPlace_AGAG @animalgirl @NatalieLovesAg
This is the Supportive rank. These people are kind, funny, and all-around awesome. Thanks guys for being all that and more.
@KitTenneyMollylly @AGLoverMiaStClair @Kira bailey2021 @CraftySquirrel @Delightful World of Dolls
The Awesome rank. I don’t know these people as well, but from what I do, they’re completely awesome and more! Love all of you.
@AGBookWormz @Nanea Mitchell @Joss Kendrick @Minnie🎀 @AGLover @LovegoodDollss @Ag
Thanks for following, you awesome people. <3
Special shoutout to @Sydney and @Admin !
Tenney, Isabella, Ivy, continue the All-nighter tradition for me :)
everyone spread my hashtags like #StopTheSpam and #KayaMoldIsForKaya
nominate They Who Shall Scream for an Oscar
everyone, love beats hate
i am going to miss you alll
I stayed off of AGDN for a month, and this happens. 🥺
I'm late, but I hope you someday will see this. You're an amazing person, and an amazing writer, and the best. You're funny, supportive, and great. Miss you!
I know I'm a little late so you may never see this but bye! you really will be missed.
Bye Briana! Thanks for being my first follower, and thanks for the little shout-out you gave me!
So sad! When will you be leaving!?!
Aww, Bri! I will miss you so much. You were a great friend ❤️
-I will visit occasionally
-I am leaving because I am so busy irl, and want to soak up my irl life as much as I love you guys
Awwww! I will miss you! Why are you leaving? 💖
You are one of the nicest people I will ever know online. You are probably gone by now, but I will miss you. You made this community amazing! Thank you for being so inspiring and encouraging. I love your stories too! :D AGDN will not be the same without you. Goodbye!
I will miss you. You were one of the most creative people here and I loved Evermore. I never told you, but I really think you should write a book. With Evermore, we now have many other stories that I have yet to read. Bye! -Kailey
Why do you want to leave AGDN? Is there a problem here???
I really liked you amazing posts and that you created your own story here that is Evermore even though I didnt really understand Evermore. I hope you Visit American Girl News someday. You were a great friend online here and I will miss you. - Grace
I'm sorry to see you go. AGDN was so fun with you!!! I'll miss you :)
I miss you already! If you can come to visit AGDN occasionally it’ll mean the world to me, but no pressure, By 2030 They Who Shall Scream will be a hit classic, a must-see! And we promise we will have nada sleep on Fridays. The Bri-I-P‘s admire all the things you have brought to us- Evermore, some cringey stories [no offense...] Jossia, and just pure lessons that will stick with us till the day we die. I’m sorry this was so long but my road of appreciation for you is a bazillion times longer! “You really helped me. Before I met you, I was feeling, mm, shy. You‘re my SPeCIaL FrIEnD.”- Kazoo Kid in 1989
Briana, you mean so much to me even when I can’t talk to you. Thank you so so so so so much for your u- existence. Your existence means a whole bunch to me. ❤️❤️❤️ [P.S., My wallpaper will forevermore be Evermore!!]