Ahem, let me put you in my shoes.
The pedals of my bike turn over and under. Signs of my school flutter over me. I continue pedaling until I reach the big doors. I walk up three flights of stairs and look at my friend. I wave. I squeeeeeze through my classmates to get into my locker. I bend down and drop my back pack in. My glasses slide of my nose and drop with a clatter. The class, unknowing what the noise was, peek over to make sure it’s ok. Then- my fear comes alive- they see- not my pictures of me and my friends- not pictures of Kylie Cantrall- not pictures of my favorite Japeneese characters- but my AG pictures in my locker.
I am so scared of people finding out I like AG! What would you do if you were me?
I would tell them that it’s just you being you, and if they want to Change that, don’t let them be your friends.
be confident (like Saige said) if you show any sign of being insecure about it more people will tease you
If people actually find out that you like AG, and start teasing you or something, try to be confident, and tell them that you can like dolls at any age