I'm not saying I'm getting Courtney, but if I was to buy her for myself, or if I was given her as a gift, here's what I'd do. Not that I mind having someone else read her books to me, but since I can't read her stories myself, and I'm not into the whole gamer thing, I'd change her personality. I'm not sure what I'd change it too, maybe an avid reader/writer. I'm not into fashion myself, but for some reason, I kind of like the idea of mixing and matching Courtney's outfits each day. And of course, she'd need matching face masks. Since I don't really do anything with my doll's hair anyway, and I have curly hair that I don't do much with myself, Courtney's hair would be no problem.
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If Courtney would make you happy, I suggest you get her. Think about it. You just listed 5 things about how Courtney would make you happy. Go for it!