So at my local library they have a lot of BeForever books, including the "My Journey"s. I've read all of them. My favorites are:
Felicity; Gun Powder and Tea Cakes.
Caroline; Catch the Wind.
Maryellen; The Sky's the Limit.
Josefina; Song of the Mokingbird
I really wish that they still had\endings so I could do the other endings. I've always wanted to read it for Felicity's story. I never really read them that often because I remember stories for a little while after I read them. Books go fast in my house. Speaking of which, I got a new book just a couple minutes ago. "The Bravest Princess," by E.D. Baker. (FYI, read her series "The Wide Awake Princess", it is super awesome.
Thanks for Reading, Bye! 😀
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