So, a new American Girl skit on SNL has come out, joking that if Barbie has gotten a live-action movie, why don't the American Girl dolls?
American Girl Doll Movie Trailer - SNL - YouTube
The sketch gets dark at a couple of points, but not any darker than the original books.
Two or three parts are inaccurate, too, but I still found the sketch hilarious! Plus, I liked seeing the characters played by adults. Samantha and Josefina looked beautiful, and Josefina's dress... oh my gawsh.... Not to mention, Molly was played by an actress named Molly!
More importantly, I would LOVE it if American Girl dolls really did come together in a live-action movie. It would be a dream come true!
Did you guys find the sketch funny? Annoying because it was inaccurate? Too dark? Irritating that SNL painted AG as dark and sad when AG actually balanced the dark parts quite well? Fun to see what the dolls would have looked like if they'd grown up? What do you guys think?
They kinda stole from this original concept from 8 years ago....
also hilarious