Okay guys, so my birthday is coming up (June 17th) and I think I've finally decided what doll I want. Rebecca. But I need middle name suggestions! I'm kind of thinking one that starts with an R might sound nice, because her name is Rebecca Rubin. But I have NO ideas! Please help! I NEVER get a doll without having a full name and personality picked out! (I have no idea why…) Any help would be appreciated! God Bless,
That's a lovely suggestion! "Rebecca Eleanor Rubin" has a nice flow to it. It sounds classic and elegant. I agree, it's a very cute combination. I hope the birthday girl loves it! https://www.google.com
Rebecca Rose Rubin: I think this name sounds very sweet and elegant. Rose is a classic and lovely flower name that matches well with Rebecca.
retro bowl
Rebecca Rayne
I was thinking it could be Miriam or Gertrude.
My heartfelt thanks to you for your unwavering commitment to retro bowl college spreading knowledge and inspiring others.
I know you've probably picked out a middle name for her already, but I think Rebecca Eleanor Rubin sounds really cute!
Rebecca Rae Rubin
Rebecca Rylan Rubin
Rebecca Ruth-lynn Rubin
Also, Maridelle is gorgeous!!
Rani or Rayne is pretty if you are trying to make her more modern! If not, then Riah or Ria, and Rechette is pretty too.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjX87-5sktI i know u already came up with a middle name for Rebecca,but this is another link to a YouTube video of AG doll name ideas,for people who are looking for name ideas for their dolls!;)
(All-American Girl) Thanks! I'd never heard of it before, and when I found it, I was like, "Oh my goodness, this is it!" XD I love unique and fancy names! Some of my favorites are: Rosabelle, Maridelle, Dellaney, Vanessa, Claire, Sofia, Allison (or Allie for short), Brooklyn, Natalie, Olivia, Sierra, Renae, and Trisha. (Sorry, I have no idea why I felt the need to list all of those names! XD)
God Bless,
Maridelle is BEAUTIFUL!
I hadn't seen it before either! XD That's so sweet! You're welcome! I like to look at my mom's baby name books, or sometimes I use random name generators! Have fun!
God Bless,
I have never seen the name Maridelle before, but it's GORGEOUS! You have inspired me to think of middle names for my dolls too! XD
Thank you both so much for the lovely suggestions! Right after I wrote this post I did some name hunting, and I think I've decided on the name Maridelle. It's like Maribelle, but with a D. I think Rebecca Maridelle Rubin sounds GORGEOUS, also, it's a more old fashioned name, and I think it suits her well. Thanks again for the suggestions! You guys rock!
God Bless,
My b-day is coming up too(June 2nd)! I have Rebecca and the middle name I gave her was Rachel! So,there's a suggestion!Here is a link to a YouTube video of doll name ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1PB4SPso34
Hope this helps! You will LOVE Rebecca! She's so pretty and I LOVE here story!